There was a time
You were my friend
A time I held your hand
A time I gave you my heart
It was a leap of faith
To trust you
With something so dear
Thought things were great
Your company
Made the prison of school
Actually bearable
Someone whispered petty rumors
In your ear
You built a wall
To keep me out
Took my heart
And stomped on it
You were eager to believe
Rumors so cruel
That they couldn't be true
Suddenly there was a hate
You played judge and jury
Deciding my suffering should be great
You stole my trust
Left me with doubt
My mind consumed with despair
I now cried myself to sleep
Thoughts of suicide
My blanket of comfort
You stole my happiness
And made misery the norm.
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Thief-by Susan Thomas
Saturday, April 26, 2014
Memories-by Susan Thomas
makin bouquets of dandelions
was the thing to do
all from the yard covered in yellow
with only hints of green
from the stalk
that holds the yellow
building forts on the island
our own little getaway
no harm reaches us here
no rules to abide
no parents to ruin the fun
riding our bikes carelessly
just to feel the wind
slap us in the face
as we pedal faster
on the pothole covered street
hoping it will make us fly
we whisper and squeal in delight
as we enter Nemo's yard
looking for ghosts
and buried secrets
finally using the passage only we know
these times have faded with time
we are grown
no longer hunting ghosts
responsibility upon our shoulders
so we leave it
to our little ones
to pick up where we left off
Friday, April 25, 2014
Our Dear Monster-By Susan Thomas

making children squeal in delight
teaching manners
singing the alphabet
with the other monsters
exciting children worldwide
making waiting fun
having friends now an adventure
vegetables now something to explore
children learn in musical style
never knowing their dear monster
is just another teacher
his googly eyes
wild blue fur
and a sweet tooth
make him oh so lovable
shoving a cookie
in his mouth
shouting om num num
is what the children wait for
as the children grow
they forget their dear monster
until the fateful day
when a little one
they call their own
finds the dear monster
with a sweet tooth
then parent and child
watch the dear teacher together
and wait for the monster
to find a cookie
and shout
om num num
Sunday, April 20, 2014
Secret-By Susan Thomas
lurking in the deep
confined to the dark
locked up
walled up
in the depths
that I dare not venture
It yells out
tries to be heard
all I hear is
a faint whisper
when it was
off its leash
crimson was its favorite color
when it was free
it liked to hunt
when it could influence
we planned dark things
now it screams
wanting company once more
it is stuck
in the void
it hasn't much hope
it's voice falls on deaf ears
but it knows
that life is full
of troubles
it waits
for life to become hard
for me to give up
and unlock the door
tear down the walls
and let it soak in the sun
once more
it never looses hope
but I know
I have strength
and support
that dark wicked thing
will never be free once more
Thursday, April 17, 2014
Incubator- by Susan Thomas
It wasn't her fault.
It wasn't planned.
An atrocious crime...
planted a seed,
that would slowly grow.
Already ripe with despair.
Overcome with shame,
she begins to weigh her options.
The thing inside...
is a reminder of her shame.
She wants it gone.
She wants to rip it from her.
She kept silent,
as long as possible.
Terrified of the procedure,
she seeks a comforting hand.
She tells those closest to heart.
Shaking with fear.
Shaking with shame.
Those she loves forget...
forget she has feelings.
She's nothing but an incubator now.
They don't offer what she needs.
They condemn her.
Blame her.
Call her monster.
Call her murderer.
She's going to burn in hell.
Inside the last bit of her,
that survived the evil...
She takes back her words.
Paints a smile on her face.
Carrying the unborn seed.
Each passing moment.
Each passing day.
Each passing month.
Darkness grows.
Sanity fades.
No healing can commence,
with a swollen stomach,
to remind her of...
her shame,
her despair,
her growing hate.
She hates herself.
She hates what's inside.
She hates the world.
Her hate grows strong.
Overwhelmed with shame,
and hate.
Seeing no way out.
No light at the end of the tunnel.
She takes a gun.
Two shots ring out.
A hole in the stomach.
A hole in the head.
She lay dead.
The unborn seed never to see day.
All she needed,
was a loving hand.
All she needed,
was support.
She received none.
She received judgement,
and cruelty.
Now a life is gone,
and no one cares.
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
You say I say-by Susan Thomas
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Strapped down
Tied down
Forced down
Held down
Legs spread
Access open
Not an option
Fingers touching
Insides churning
Try to scream
Try to escape
Can't move
Silence surrounds
my lips
Laughter echoes
My spirit shrivels
my passion disappears
hope is lost
Then a beeping
Eyes open
Relief floods my system
Thank god
All was a dream
Could Have- by Susan Thomas
If I had gone with that girl
to the railroad tracks
I could have been an addict
If I had let the knife slide
across my fragile skin
I could have died
If I had gone to tryouts
and done a cartwheel
I could have been a cheerleader
If I had stood up for myself
and quit that lousy job sooner
I could have been working on my master's
not a bachelor's
If I had gone home
with that guy
I could have been slut
I could have been a lot of things
I could have done a lot of things
but I made my choices
and am what I am
and have done what I have done