Seeing bigotry and hate
run a muck.
They talk like illegal immigrants are a disease.
One to eradicate with haste
Never mind that they are human,
running scared from tyrants,
working jobs no one wants.
They talk like homosexuals are a contagious plaque.
Gay marriage now law
they shout in protest.
This law infringes on belief
they claim with hypocritical mouths,
as they force their belief on others.
Deciding to pick and choose
what to believe from God's Holy Book.
Anyone with skin color
or who is different is in danger.
Different has become dangerous
as the bigots claim power.
God's message of love and acceptance
a mere inconvenience.
One they ignore and block out.
They now seek to put a bigot in charge.
This Trump a true chump
with tyrannical ideas.
Has the nerve to ignore the facts
and rewrite the constitution to suit his desires.
Looking up to Hitler and Stalin for ideas

of the unique and struggling.
Compassion, love, and empathy
become the enemy.
Those who shout in name of love and equality
are labeled ignorant and stupid.
If the path of hate
continues what hope is left
for the country
for humanity
for all of us?