Crowds slowly file in
looking for their seats
I sit in my seat
and watch all the wondrous diversity
People of all colors
faiths coming together for some fun
Thousands come
the noise of all their voices
hums throughout the air
Then the national music begins to play
people stand in mindless obedience
an army of voices sing void of any emotion
no apparent connection to the treasured lyrics of the anthem
I sit quietly in my seat, as I've done....
for years.
No one once objected
became offended
asked why
or paid any attention
They were too busy doing as they were told
Then an athlete
chooses to do the same as I
his reasons his own
and the nation cries out:
I just shake my head
I do not stand
because I will not
worship a flag
or country
I do not stand
because I see...
hate running rampant in the streets
love greeted with anger
I do not stand
at this present moment because...
the U S of A has offered
me little to be proud of
Instead I sit quietly
as I have done...for years
thinking and praying, instead of singing mindlessly
thinking and praying for
lives lost in war
a families tears and pain to eased
for a country who talks
about respecting our veterans
but treats them like worn out trash.
I pray instead of mindlessly
worshiping the flag or country
As is my God given right.
So do me
and others like me a favor
quit trying to force
us to respect a country
that has done nothing to earn our respect.
We have respect for the sacrifice people made
what was fought for
but in my eyes
and others
there sacrifice was spit upon
with the ignorance and hatefulness of this country
For that
we sit.
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