Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Sunday Mask - By Susan Thomas

They do not see me
on the sabbath day
They see the mask I wear
A mask that cannot be removed
I am not allowed to be me
to be me
is an inappropriate action
I am
what they want me to be
This fate was thrust upon me
when my heart I gave
to a man of faith
to a man with a calling
If my mask cracks or slips
the real me
may be set fee
for but a moment
on the holy day
where judging eyes will see
My person held to a standard
a higher standard than most
if I do wrong
in their eyes
sure it is me to blame
but more so
my husband to blame
To be me
would bring harsh judgement
upon the man
I gave my heart
Even if the real me
is just like you
or anyone there
I have to be better
I have to be an example
The real me
just won't do
So every week
I shoulder a burden
wear a mask
to be what they want me to be
hoping and praying
each time the mask will not slip
because it is not me they want
I am the me
they want me to be
I count the minutes
each sabbath day
to the moment
where I can be free
away from judging eyes
free to be me
free to be the me
that my man of faith
so much
to be the me
that our family needs

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