Thursday, October 2, 2014

Unseen Storm-by Susan Thomas

There is a calm, before the storm.
You can’t see it coming.
When it takes you,
in a whirlwind of terror,
it robs you of your breath,
your consciousness,
your freedom,
sometimes your life.
When it lets go,
assuming your limp body,
still has life,
your left with confusion.
Why are you on the ground?
Why are people staring?
Why are you crying?
Your head throbs,
eyes heavy,
body weak.
This reoccurring storm,
you keep secret.
Hoping against hope,
that it doesn’t take you,
in public view.
It’s a shameful thing.
A thing misunderstood.
A thing that is feared.
A thing that becomes,
one giant YOU CAN’T.
A thing that keeps you alone.
Alone in a sea of millions,
all just like you.
A sea with a monster that lurks beneath,
victims screaming SUDEP.
The sea a terrifying ride,
where discrimination and hate,
are the norm.
The unaffected turn a blind eye,
and try to ignore the screams,
of those drowning in fear,
and isolation.
This sea called epilepsy,
where many are prisoner,
receives no lifeboat.
Those screaming victims,
just don’t matter.

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